AWS Devops


about S3, ec2, type of storage available in aws.

What is edge location and regions, how they are different with each other. 

What is the boot process of Linux? 

What do you do when your system performance is slowing down? 

How to check performance, memory and disk usage? 

Basics of Linux, like type of filesystem, swap storage, some basic commands.



What do you do when a core process is using most of the memory and you can't afford to kill it? 

Questions about NFS, bash scripts. 

What is written in the first line of a bash script and what does it tell the system? 

Difference between ram and swap memory

What is an orphan process

What is journaling

Difference between the file systems

Do you have any kernel performance, tuning experience?    



Often referred to as Elasticsearch, the ELK stack gives you the ability to aggregate logs from all your systems and applications, analyze these logs, and create visualizations for application and infrastructure monitoring, faster troubleshooting, security analytics, and more.


Aws DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Amazon Web Services in DevOps?
Answer: AWS provides services that help you practice DevOps at your company and that are built first for use with AWS. These tools automate manual tasks, help teams manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps. (aws devops interview questions)

2. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?
Answer: When asked this question in an interview, get straight to the point by explaining that AWS is a cloud-based service provided by Amazon that ensures scalability through unlimited computing power and storage. AWS empowers IT enterprises to develop and deliver sophisticated products and deploy applications on the cloud. Some of its key services include Amazon CloudFront, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud. Discuss the various cloud platforms and emphasize any big data projects that you have handled in the past using cloud infrastructure.

3. How Is Buffer Used In Amazon Web Services?
Answer: Buffer is used to making the system more resilient to burst of traffic or load by synchronizing different components. The components always receive and process the requests in an unbalanced way. Buffer keeps the balance between different components and makes them work at the same speed to provide faster services.

4. What is an AMI? How do we implement it?

  • AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image. It is basically a copy of the root file system.
  • Provides the data required to launch an instance, which means a copy of running an AMI server in the cloud. It’s easy to launch an instance from many different AMIs.
  • Hardware servers that commodities bios which exactly point the master boot record of the first block on a disk. A disk image is created which can easily fit anywhere physically on a disk. Where Linux can boot from an arbitrary location on the EBS storage network.

5. What is meant by Continuous Integration?
Answer: I will advise you to begin this answer by giving a small definition of Continuous Integration (CI). It is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.

I suggest that you explain how you have implemented it in your previous job.

You can refer to the below-given example:

  • Developers check out code into their private workspaces.
  • When they are done with it they commit the changes to the shared repository (Version Control Repository).
  • The CI server monitors the repository and checks out changes when they occur.
  • The CI server then pulls these changes and builds the system and also runs unit and integration tests.
  • The CI server will now inform the team of the successful build.
  • If the build or tests fail, the CI server will alert the team.
  • The team will try to fix the issue at the earliest opportunity.
  • This process keeps on repeating.

6. Why do you need a Continuous Integration of Dev & Testing?
Answer: For this answer, you should focus on the need for Continuous Integration. My suggestion would be to mention the below explanation in your answer:

Continuous Integration of Dev and Testing improves the quality of software and reduces the time taken to deliver it, by replacing the traditional practice of testing after completing all development. It allows the Dev team to easily detect and locate problems early because developers need to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day (more frequently). Each check-in is then automatically tested. 

7. What is Continuous Testing?
Answer: I will advise you to follow the below-mentioned explanation:

Continuous Testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to obtain immediate feedback on the business risks associated with the latest build. In this way, each build is tested continuously, allowing Development teams to get fast feedback so that they can prevent those problems from progressing to the next stage of Software delivery life-cycle. This dramatically speeds up a developer’s workflow as there’s no need to manually rebuild the project and re-run all tests after making changes.

8. How Do You Handle Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery In Aws DevOps?
Answer: The AWS Developer Tools help you securely store and version your application’s source code and automatically build, test, and deploy your application to AWS or your on-premises environment. (Best training courses)

Start with AWS Code Pipeline to build a continuous integration or continuous delivery workflow that uses AWS Code Build, AWS Code Deploy, and other tools, or use each service separately.

9. What is AWS CodeBuild in AWS Devops?
Answer: AWS Code Build is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With Code Build, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. Code Build scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue.

10. How is IaC implemented using AWS?
Answer: Start by talking about the age-old mechanisms of writing commands onto script files and testing them in a separate environment before deployment and how this approach is being replaced by IaC. Similar to the codes written for other services, with the help of AWS, IaC allows developers to write, test, and maintain infrastructure entities in a descriptive manner, using formats such as JSON or YAML. This enables easier development and faster deployment of infrastructure changes. 

As a DevOps engineer, an in-depth knowledge of processes, tools, and relevant technology are essential. You must also have a holistic understanding of the products, services, and systems in place. If your answers matched the answers we’ve provided above, you’re in great shape for future DevOps interviews. Good luck! If you’re looking for answers to specific DevOps interview questions that aren’t addressed here, ask them in the comments below.

11. Explain whether it is possible to share a single instance of a Memcache between multiple projects?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to share a single instance of Memcache between multiple projects. Memcache is a memory store space, and you can run Memcache on one or more servers. You can also configure your client to speak to a particular set of instances. So, you can run two different Memcache processes on the same host and yet they are completely independent. Unless, if you have partitioned your data, then it becomes necessary to know from which instance to get the data from or to put into.

12. What is AWS CodeStar in AWS DevOps?
Answer: AWS Code Star enables you to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. AWS Code Star provides a unified user interface, enabling you to easily manage your software development activities in one place. With AWS CodeStar, you can set up your entire continuous delivery toolchain in minutes, allowing you to start releasing code faster.

13. What is Amazon RDS in AWS DevOps?
Answer: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

14. What is a building project in AWS DevOps?
Answer: A building project is used to define how CodeBuild will run a build. It includes information such as where to get the source code, which builds the environment to use, the build commands to run, and where to store the build output. A build environment is the combination of the operating system, programming language runtime, and tools used by CodeBuild to run a build.

15. Why AWS DevOps Matters?
Answer: Software and the Internet have transformed the world and its industries, from shopping to entertainment to banking. Software no longer merely supports a business; rather it becomes an integral component of every part of a business.

Companies interact with their customers through software delivered as online services or applications and on all sorts of devices. They also use software to increase operational efficiencies by transforming every part of the value chain, such as logistics, communications, and operations. 

In a similar way that physical goods companies transformed how they design, build, and deliver products using industrial automation throughout the 20th century, companies in today’s world must transform how they build and deliver software.

16. Is it possible to scale an Amazon instance vertically? How?
Answer: Yes. This is an incredible characteristic of cloud virtualization and AWS. Spinup is a huge case when compared to the one which you are running. Let up the instance and separate the root EBS volume from this server and remove. Next, stop your live instance, remove its root volume. Note down the distinctive device ID and attach root volume to your new server and start it again. This is the way to scaling vertically in place.

17. How is AWS OpsWorks different than AWS Cloud Formation?
Answer: OpsWorks and Cloud Formation both support application modeling, deployment, configuration, management, and related activities. Both support a wide variety of architectural patterns, from simple web applications to highly complex applications. AWS OpsWorks and AWS Cloud Formation differ in abstraction level and areas of focus.

AWS Cloud Formation is a building block service which enables the customer to manage almost any AWS resource via JSON-based domain-specific language. It provides foundational capabilities for the full breadth of AWS, without prescribing a particular model for development and operations.

Customers define templates and use them to provision and manage AWS resources, operating systems and application code, In contrast, AWS OpsWorks is a higher level service that focuses on providing highly productive and reliable DevOps experiences for IT administrators and ops-minded developers.

To do this, AWS OpsWorks employs a configuration management model based on concepts such as stacks and layers and provides integrated experiences for key activities like deployment, monitoring, auto-scaling, and automation.

Compared to AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks supports a narrower range of application-oriented AWS resource types including Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EBS volumes, Elastic IPs, and Amazon CloudWatch metrics.

18. How is AWS Elastic Beanstalk different than AWS OpsWorks?
Answer: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an application management platform while OpsWorks is a configuration management platform. BeanStalk is an easy to use service which is used for deploying and scaling web applications developed with Java, .Net, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go and Docker. Customers upload their code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment. The application will be ready to use without any infrastructure or resource configuration.

19. How do I transfer my existing domain name registration to Amazon Route 53 without disrupting my existing web traffic?
Answer: You will need to get a list of the DNS record data for your domain name first, it is generally available in the form of a “zone file” that you can get from your existing DNS provider. Once you receive the DNS record data, you can use Route 53’s Management Console or simple web-services interface to create a hosted zone that will store your DNS records for your domain name and follow its transfer process. It also includes steps such as updating the nameservers for your domain name to the ones associated with your hosted zone. For completing the process you have to contact the registrar with whom you registered your domain name and follow the transfer process.

20. When should I use a Classic Load Balancer and when should I use an Application load balancer?
Answer: A Classic Load Balancer is ideal for simple load balancing of traffic across multiple EC2 instances, while an Application Load Balancer is ideal for microservices or container-based architectures where there is a need to route traffic to multiple services or load balance across multiple ports on the same EC2 instance.

21. What is the difference between Scalability and Elasticity?
Answer: Scalability is the ability of a system to increase its hardware resources to handle the increase in demand. It can be done by increasing the hardware specifications or increasing the processing nodes.
Elasticity is the ability of a system to handle the increase in the workload by adding additional hardware resources when the demand increases(same as scaling) but also rolling back the scaled resources when the resources are no longer needed. This is particularly helpful in Cloud environments, where a pay per use model is followed.

22. How is Amazon RDS, DynamoDB and Redshift different?
Answer: Amazon RDS is a database management service for relational databases, it manages patching, upgrading, backing up of data, etc. of databases for you without your intervention. RDS is a Db management service for structured data only.

DynamoDB, on the other hand, is a NoSQL database service, NoSQL deals with unstructured data.
Redshift is an entirely different service, it is a data warehouse product and is used in data analysis. 

23. If my AWS Direct Connect fails, will I lose my connectivity?
Answer: If a backup AWS Direct connect has been configured, in the event of a failure it will switch over to the second one. It is recommended to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) when configuring your connections to ensure faster detection and failover. On the other hand, if you have configured a backup IPsec VPN connection
instead, all VPC traffic will failover to the backup VPN connection automatically. Traffic to/from public resources such as Amazon S3 will be routed over the Internet.

If you do not have a backup AWS Direct Connect link or an IPsec VPN link, then Amazon VPC traffic will be dropped in the event of a failure.

24. How can you speed up data transfer in Snowball?
Answer: The data transfer can be increased in the following way:

By performing multiple copy operations at one time i.e. if the workstation is powerful enough, you can initiate multiple cp commands each from different terminals, on the same Snowball device.

Copying from multiple workstations to the same snowball.

Transferring large files or by creating a batch of small file, this will reduce the encryption overhead.

Eliminating unnecessary hops i.e. make a setup where the source machine(s) and the snowball are the only machines active

on the switch being used, this can hugely improve performance

25. How does a Cookbook differ from a Recipe in Chef?
Answer: The answer to this is pretty direct. You can simply say, “a Recipe is a collection of Resources, and primarily configures a software package or some piece of infrastructure. A Cookbook groups together Recipes and other information in a way that is more manageable than having just Recipes alone.” 

26. Why do we use AWS for DevOps?
Answer: There are many benefits of using AWS for DevOps, they are:

Get Started Fast – Each AWS service is ready to use if you have an AWS account. There is no setup required or software to install.

Fully Managed Services: These services can help you take advantage of AWS resources quicker. You can worry less about setting up, installing, and operating infrastructure on your own. This lets you focus on your core product.

Built for Scale: You can manage a single instance or scale to thousands using AWS services. These services help you make the most of flexible compute resources by simplifying provisioning, configuration, and scaling.

27. What is AWS Lambda in AWS DevOps?
Answer: AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service – all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability.

28. What Are The Benefits Of Aws Code Deploy In Aws DevOps?
Answer: AWS Code Deploy is a service that automates software deployments to a variety of computer services including Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and instances running on-premises.

AWS Code Deploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.

29. Explain The Function Of An Amazon Ec2 Instance Like Stopping, Starting And Terminating?
Answer: Stopping and Starting an instance: When an instance is stopped, the instance performs a normal shutdown and then transitions to a stopped state. All of its Amazon EBS volumes remain attached, and you can start the instance again at a later time. You are not charged for additional instance hours while the instance is in a stopped state.

Terminating an instance: When an instance is terminated, the instance performs a normal shutdown, then the attached Amazon EBS volumes are deleted unless the volume’s delete OnTermination attribute is set to false. The instance itself is also deleted, and you can’t start the instance again at a later time. Hope it would be very helpful to understand and crack the interview. 

30. What is the importance of buffer in Amazon Web Services?
Answer: A buffer will synchronize different components and makes the arrangement additional elastic to a burst of load or traffic. The components are prone to work in an unstable way of receiving and processing the requests. The buffer creates the equilibrium linking various apparatus and crafts them effort at the identical rate to supply more rapid services.

31. What are the components involved in Amazon Web Services?
Answer: There are 4 components involved and areas below.

Amazon S3: With this, one can retrieve the key information which is occupied in creating cloud structural design and amount of produced information also can be stored in this component that is the consequence of the key specified. Amazon EC2: helpful to run a large distributed system on the Hadoop cluster. Automatic parallelization and job scheduling can be achieved by this component. Amazon SQS: this component acts as a mediator between different controllers. Also worn for cushioning requirements those are obtained by the manager of Amazon.Amazon SimpleDB: helps in storing the transitional position log and the errands executed by the consumers.

32. Which automation gears can help with spinup services?
Answer: The API tools can be used for spinup services and also for the written scripts. Those scripts could be coded in Perl, bash or other languages of your preference. There is one more option that is patterned administration and stipulating tools such as a dummy or improved descendant. A tool called Scalr can also be used and finally, we can go with a controlled explanation like a Rightscale.

33. How would you explain the concept of “infrastructure as code” (IaC)?
Answer: It is a good idea to talk about IaC as a concept, which is sometimes referred to as a programmable infrastructure, where infrastructure is perceived in the same way as any other code. Describe how the traditional approach to managing infrastructure is taking a back seat and how manual configurations, obsolete tools, and custom scripts are becoming less reliable. (Company) Next, accentuate the benefits of IaC and how changes to IT infrastructure can be implemented in a faster, safer and easier manner using IaC. Include the other benefits of IaC like applying regular unit testing and integration testing to infrastructure configurations, and maintaining up-to-date infrastructure documentation.

If you have completed a certification on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

34. What are the advantages of DevOps?
Answer: For this answer, you can use your past experience and explain how DevOps helped you in your previous job. If you don’t have any such experience, then you can mention the below advantages.

Technical benefits:

  • Continuous software delivery
  • Less complex problems to fix
  • Faster resolution of problems

Business benefits:

  • Faster delivery of features
  • More stable operating environments
  • More time available to add value (rather than fix/maintain)

35. Which VCS tool you are comfortable with?
Answer: You can just mention the VCS tool that you have worked on like this: “I have worked on Git and one major advantage it has over other VCS tools like SVN is that it is a distributed version control system.”
Distributed VCS tools do not necessarily rely on a central server to store all the versions of a project’s files. Instead, every developer “clones” a copy of a repository and has the full history of the project on their own hard drive. 

36. What’s the background of your system?
Answer: Some DevOps jobs require extensive systems knowledge, including server clustering and highly concurrent systems. As a DevOps engineer, you need to analyze system capabilities and implement upgrades for efficiency, scalability, and stability, or resilience. It is recommended that you have a solid knowledge of OSes and supporting technologies, like network security, virtual private networks, and proxy server configuration.

DevOps relies on virtualization for rapid workload provisioning and allocating compute resources to new VMs to support the next rollout, so it is useful to have in-depth knowledge around popular hypervisors. This should ideally include backup, migration, and lifecycle management tactics to protect, optimize and eventually recover computing resources. Some environments may emphasize microservices software development tailored for virtual containers. Operations expertise must include extensive knowledge of systems management tools like Microsoft System Center, Puppet, Nagios and Chef.
such as a card, and the other is typically something memorized, such as a security code.

37. Explain how Memcached should not be used?
Answer: Memcached common misuse is to use it as a data store, and not as a cache Never use Memcached as the only source of the information you need to run your application.

Data should always be available through another source as well Memcached is just a key or value store and cannot perform query over the data or iterate over the contents to extract information.

Memcached does not offer any form of security either in encryption or authentication

38. Explain what is Dogpile effect? How can you prevent this effect?
Answer: Dogpile effect is referred to the event when the cache expires, and websites are hit by the multiple requests made by the client at the same time. This effect can be prevented by using a semaphore lock. In this system when value expires, the first process acquires the lock and starts generating new value.

39. Is continuous delivery related to the dev-ops movement? How so?
Answer: Absolutely. In any organization where there is a separate operations department, and especially where there is an independent QA or testing function, we see that much of the pain in getting software delivered is caused by poor communication between these groups, exacerbated by an underlying cultural divide. Apps are measured according to throughput, and ops are measured according to stability. Testing gets it in the neck from both sides, and like release management, is often a political pawn in the fight between apps and ops. The point of dev-ops is that developers need to learn how to create high-quality, production-ready software, and ops need to learn that Agile techniques are actually powerful tools to enable effective, low-risk change management. Ultimately, we’re all trying to achieve the same thing – creating business value through software – but we need to get better at working together and focusing on this goal rather than trying to optimize our own domains. Unfortunately, many organizations aren’t set up in a way that rewards that kind of thinking. According to Forrester.

40. What is the role of a DevOps engineer?
Answer: There’s no formal career track for becoming a DevOps engineer. They are either developers who get interested in deployment and network operations, or sysadmins who have a passion for scripting and coding, and move into the development side where they can improve the planning of test and deployment.

41. What happens when a build is run in CodeBuild in AWS Devops?
Answer: CodeBuild will create a temporary compute container of the class defined in the building project, load it with the specified runtime environment, download the source code, execute the commands configured in the project, upload the generated artifact to an S3 bucket, and then destroy the compute container. During the build, CodeBuild will stream the build output to the service console and Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

42. How to Adopt an AWS DevOps Model?

  • Transitioning to DevOps requires a change in culture and mindset. At its simplest, DevOps is about removing the barriers between two traditionally siloed teams, development, and operations.
  • In some organizations, there may not even be separate development and operations teams; engineers may do both. With DevOps, the two teams work together to optimize both the productivity of developers and the reliability of operations.
  • They strive to communicate frequently, increase efficiencies, and improve the quality of services they provide to customers. They take full ownership for their services, often beyond where their stated roles or titles have traditionally been scoped by thinking about the end customer’s needs and how they can contribute to solving those needs.
  • Quality assurance and security teams may also become tightly integrated with these teams. Organizations using a DevOps model, regardless of their organizational structure, have teams that view the entire development and infrastructure lifecycle as part of their responsibilities.

43. Discuss your experience building bridges between IT Ops, QA, and development?
Answer: DevOps is all about effective communication and collaboration. I’ve been able to deal with production issues from the development and operations sides, effectively straddling the two worlds. I’m less interested in finding blame or playing the hero than I am with ensuring that all of the moving parts come together.

44. What Is Amazon Elastic Container Service In Aws DevOps?
Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high-performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

45. What is Amazon S3 in AWS DevOps?
Answer: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

46. Which programming frameworks does CodeBuild support in AWS DevOps?
Answer: Code Build provides pre-configured environments for supported versions of Java, Ruby, Python, Go, Node.js, Android, and Docker. You can also customize your own environment by creating a Docker image and uploading it to the Amazon EC2 Container Registry or the Docker Hub registry. You can then reference this custom image in your build project.

47. What are microservices and why they have an impact on operations?
Answer: Microservices is a product of software architecture and programming practices. Microservices architectures typically produce smaller, but more numerous artifacts that Operations is responsible for regularly deploying and managing. For this reason, microservices have an important impact on Operations. The term that describes the responsibilities of deploying microservices is micro deployments. So, what DevOps is really about is bridging the gap between microservices and micro deployments.

48. Explain how DevOps is helpful to developers?

  • DevOps brings faster and more frequent release cycles which allow developers to identify and resolve issues immediately as well as implementing new features quickly.
  • Since DevOps is what makes people do better work by making them wear different hats, Developers who collaborate with Operations will create software that is easier to operate, more reliable, and ultimately better for the business.

49. Mention the key components of AWS?
The key components of AWS are as follows:

Route 53: A DNS (Domain Name SERVER) web-based service platform.

Simple E-mail Service: Sending of E-mail is done by using RESTFUL API call or via regular SMTP (Simple Mail

Transfer Protocol).

Identity and Access Management: Improvised security and Identity management are provided for AWS account.

Simple Storage Device or (S3): It is a huge storage medium, widely used for AWS services.

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Allows on-demand computing resources for hosting applications and essentially useful for unpredictable workloads

Elastic Block Store (EBS): Storage volumes which are being attached to EC2 and allows the data lifespan of a single EC2

Cloud Watch: It is used to monitor AWS resources and it allows administrators to view and collect keys required.

Access is provided so that one can set a notification alarm in case of trouble.

50. What is the AWS Developer Tools?
Answer: The AWS Developer Tools is a set of services designed to enable developers and IT operations professionals practicing DevOps to rapidly and safely deliver software.

Together, these services help you securely store and version control your application’s source code and automatically build, test, and deploy your application to AWS or your on-premises environment. You can use AWS CodePipeline to orchestrate an end-to-end software release workflow using these services and third-party tools or integrate each service independently with your existing tools.


AWS Devops Interview Questions

  1. What is Amazon Web Services in DevOps?
  2. What is the role of a DevOps engineer?
  3.  What is Dev Ops with cloud computing?
  4. Why do we use AWS for DevOps?
  5. What is DevOps Tooling by AWS?
  6. How do you handle Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in AWS Devops?
  7. What is AWS CodePipeline in AWS Devops?
  8. What is AWS CodeBuild in AWS Devops?
  9. What is AWS CodeDeploy in AWS Devops?
  10. What is AWS CodeStar in AWS Devops?
  11. What is Amazon Elastic Container Service in AWS Devops?
  12. What is AWS Lambda in AWS Devops?
  13. What are AWS Developer Tools?
  14. What is CodeCommit in AWS Devops?
  15. What are the benefits of AWS CodeBuild in AWS Devops?
  16. What is Amazon EC2 in AWS Devops?
  17. What is Amazon S3 in AWS Devops?
  18. What is Amazon RDS in AWS Devops?
  19. What is AWS Lambda in AWS Devops?
  20. What is Amazon QuickSight in AWS Devops?
  21. What is AWS IoT in AWS Devops?
  22. What are the benefits of AWS CodeDeploy in AWS Devops?

AWS Devops Interview Questions And Answers

Question # 1) What is Amazon Web Services in DevOps?

Answer # AWS provides services that help you practice DevOps at your company and that are built first for use with AWS. These tools automate manual tasks, help teams manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps.

Question # 2) What is the role of a DevOps engineer?

Answer # There’s no formal career track for becoming a DevOps engineer. They are either developers who get interested in deployment and network operations, or sysadmins who have a passion for scripting and coding, and move into the development side where they can improve the planning of test and deployment.

Question # 3) What is Dev Ops with cloud computing?

Answer # Inseparable development and operations practices are universally relevant. Cloud computing, Agile development, and DevOps are interlocking parts of a strategy for transforming IT into a business adaptability enabler. If cloud is an instrument, then DevOps is the musician that plays it.

Question # 4) Why do we use AWS for DevOps?

Answer # There are many benefits of using AWS for devops, thery are:

  • Get Started Fast – Each AWS service is ready to use if you have an AWS account. There is no setup required or software to install.
  • Fully Managed Services – These services can help you take advantage of AWS resources quicker. You can worry less about setting up, installing, and operating infrastructure on your own. This lets you focus on your core product.
  • Built for Scale – You can manage a single instance or scale to thousands using AWS services. These services help you make the most of flexible compute resources by simplifying provisioning, configuration, and scaling.
  • Programmable – You have the option to use each service via the AWS Command Line Interface or through APIs and SDKs. You can also model and provision AWS resources and your entire AWS infrastructure using declarative AWS CloudFormation templates.
  • Automation – AWS helps you use automation so you can build faster and more efficiently. Using AWS services, you can automate manual tasks or processes such as deployments, development & test workflows, container management, and configuration management.
  • Secure – Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to set user permissions and policies. This gives you granular control over who can access your resources and how they access those resources.
  • Large Partner Ecosystem – AWS supports a large ecosystem of partners which integrate with and extend AWS services. Use your preferred third-party and open source tools with AWS to build an end-to-end solution.
  • Pay-As-You-Go – With AWS purchase services as you need them and only for the period when you plan to use them. AWS pricing has no upfront fees, termination penalties, or long term contracts. The AWS Free Tier helps you get started with AWS.

Question # 5) What is DevOps Tooling by AWS?

Answer # AWS provides services that help you practice DevOps at your company and that are built first for use with AWS. These tools automate manual tasks, help teams manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps.

Related Article: Chef Interview Questions

Question # 6) How do you handle Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in AWS Devops?

Answer # The AWS Developer Tools help you securely store and version your application’s source code and automatically build, test, and deploy your application to AWS or your on-premises environment.

Start with AWS CodePipeline to build a continuous integration or continuous delivery workflow that uses AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and other tools, or use each service separately.

Question # 7) What is AWS CodePipeline in AWS Devops?

A) AWS CodePipeline is a continuous integration and continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. CodePipeline builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define. This enables you to rapidly and reliably deliver features and updates.

Question # 8) What is AWS CodeBuild in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue.

Question # 9) What is AWS CodeDeploy in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeDeploy automates code deployments to any instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.

Question # 10) What is AWS CodeStar in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeStar enables you to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. AWS CodeStar provides a unified user interface, enabling you to easily manage your software development activities in one place. With AWS CodeStar, you can set up your entire continuous delivery toolchain in minutes, allowing you to start releasing code faster.

Top AWS Devops Interview Questions

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 11) How Instacart uses AWS Devops?

Answer # Instacart uses AWS CodeDeploy to automate deployments for all of its front-end and back-end services. Using AWS CodeDeploy has enabled Instacart’s developers to focus on their product and worry less about deployment operations.

Related Article: Puppet Interview Questions

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 12) How lululemon athletica uses AWS Devops?

Answer # lululemon athletica uses a variety of AWS services to engineer a fully automated, continuous integration and delivery system. lululemon deploys artifacts distributed via Amazon S3 using AWS CodePipeline. From this stage, the artifacts are deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 13) What is Amazon Elastic Container Service in AWS Devops?

Answer # Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 14) What is AWS Lambda in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service – all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability.

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AWS Devops Interview Questions # 15) What are AWS Developer Tools?

Answer # The AWS Developer Tools is a set of services designed to enable developers and IT operations professionals practicing DevOps to rapidly and safely deliver software.

Together, these services help you securely store and version control your application’s source code and automatically build, test, and deploy your application to AWS or your on-premises environment. You can use AWS CodePipeline to orchestrate an end-to-end software release workflow using these services and third-party tools or integrate each service independently with your existing tools.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 16) What is CodeCommit in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeCommit is a fully-managed source control service that makes it easy for companies to host secure and highly scalable private Git repositories. CodeCommit eliminates the need to operate your own source control system or worry about scaling its infrastructure. You can use CodeCommit to securely store anything from source code to binaries, and it works seamlessly with your existing Git tools.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 17) What are the benefits of AWS CodeBuild in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers.

CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue. You can get started quickly by using prepackaged build environments, or you can create custom build environments that use your own build tools. With CodeBuild, you are charged by the minute for the compute resources you use.

AWS CodeBuild Benefits:

  • Fully Managed Build Service – AWS CodeBuild eliminates the need to set up, patch, update, and manage your own build servers and software. There is no software to install or manage.
  • Continuous Scaling – AWS CodeBuild scales automatically to meet your build volume. It immediately processes each build you submit and can run separate builds concurrently, which means your builds are not left waiting in a queue.
  • Pay as You Go – With AWS CodeBuild, you are charged based on the number of minutes it takes to complete your build.
  • Extensible – You can bring your own build tools and programming runtimes to use with AWS CodeBuild by creating customized build environments in addition to the prepackaged build tools and runtimes supported by CodeBuild.
  • Enables Continuous Integration and Delivery – AWS CodeBuild belongs to a family of AWS Code Services, which you can use to create complete, automated software release workflows for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). You can also integrate CodeBuild into your existing CI/CD workflow.
  • Secure – With AWS CodeBuild, your build artifacts are encrypted with customer-specific keys that are managed by the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). CodeBuild is integrated with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), so you can assign user-specific permissions to your build projects.

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AWS Devops Interview Questions # 18) What is Amazon EC2 in AWS Devops?

Answer # Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 19) What is Amazon S3 in AWS Devops?

Answer # Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 20) What is Amazon RDS in AWS Devops?

Answer # Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

AWS Devops Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced

Question # 21) What is AWS Lambda in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume – there is no charge when your code is not running.

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Question # 22) What is Amazon QuickSight in AWS Devops?

Answer # Amazon QuickSight is a fast, cloud-powered business analytics service that makes it easy to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, and quickly get business insights from your data.

Question # 23) What is AWS IoT in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices.

Question # 24) What are the benefits of AWS CodeDeploy in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services including Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and instances running on-premises.

AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.

AWS CodeDeploy Benefits:

  • Automated Deployments – AWS CodeDeploy fully automates your software deployments, allowing you to deploy reliably and rapidly. You can consistently deploy your application across your development, test, and production environments whether deploying to Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, or instances running on-premises. The service scales with your infrastructure so you can deploy to one Lambda function or thousands of EC2 instances.
  • Minimize Downtime – AWS CodeDeploy helps maximize your application availability during the software deployment process. It introduces changes incrementally and tracks application health according to configurable rules. Software deployments can easily be stopped and rolled back if there are errors.
  • Centralized Control – AWS CodeDeploy allows you to easily launch and track the status of your application deployments through the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. CodeDeploy gives you a detailed report allowing you to view when and to where each application revision was deployed.
  • Easy To Adopt – AWS CodeDeploy is platform and language agnostic, works with any application, and provides the same experience whether you’re deploying to Amazon EC2 or AWS Lambda. You can easily reuse your existing setup code. CodeDeploy can also integrate with your existing software release process or continuous delivery toolchain (e.g., AWS CodePipeline, GitHub, Jenkins).

Advanced AWS Devops Interview Questions

Question # 25) How can you use CodeBuild to automate your release process?

Answer # Yes. CodeBuild is integrated with AWS CodePipeline. You can add a build action and set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery process that runs in the cloud.

Question # 26) What is a build project in AWS Devops?

Answer # A build project is used to define how CodeBuild will run a build. It includes information such as where to get the source code, which build environment to use, the build commands to run, and where to store the build output. A build environment is the combination of operating system, programming language runtime, and tools used by CodeBuild to run a build.

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Question # 27) How do you configure a build project in AWS Devops?

Answer # A build project can be configured through the console or the AWS CLI. You specify the source repository location, the runtime environment, the build commands, the IAM role assumed by the container, and the compute class required to run the build. Optionally, you can specify build commands in a buildspec.yml file.

Question # 28) Which source repositories does CodeBuild support in AWS Devops?

Answer # CodeBuild can connect to AWS CodeCommit, S3, and GitHub to pull source code for builds.

Question # 29) Which programming frameworks does CodeBuild support in AWS Devops?

Answer # CodeBuild provides preconfigured environments for supported versions of Java, Ruby, Python, Go, Node.js, Android, and Docker. You can also customize your own environment by creating a Docker image and uploading it to the Amazon EC2 Container Registry or the Docker Hub registry. You can then reference this custom image in your build project.

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Question # 30) What happens when a build is run in CodeBuild in AWS Devops?

Answer # CodeBuild will create a temporary compute container of the class defined in the build project, load it with the specified runtime environment, download the source code, execute the commands configured in the project, upload the generated artifact to an S3 bucket, and then destroy the compute container. During the build, CodeBuild will stream the build output to the service console and Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Most Popular AWS Devops Interview Questions

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 31) How do you set up your first build in CodeBuild in AWS Devops?

Answer # Sign in to the AWS Management Console, create a build project, and then run a build.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 32) How can you use CodeBuild with Jenkins in AWS Devops?

Answer # Yes. The CodeBuild Plugin for Jenkins can be used to integrate CodeBuild into Jenkins jobs. The build jobs are sent to CodeBuild, eliminating the need for provisioning and managing the Jenkins worker nodes.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 33) How can you view past build results in AWS CodeBuild?

Answer # You can access your past build results through the console or the API. The results include outcome (success or failure), build duration, output artifact location, and log location.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 34) How can you debug a past build failure in AWS CodeBuild?

Answer # You can debug a build by inspecting the detailed logs generated during the build run.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 35) What types of applications can you build with AWS CodeStar?

Answer # CodeStar can be used for building web applications, web services and more. The applications run on Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS Lambda. Project templates are available in several different programming languages including Java, Node.js (Javascript), PHP, Python and Ruby.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 36) How do you add, remove or change users for my AWS CodeStar projects?

Answer # You can add, change or remove users for your CodeStar project through the “Team” section of the CodeStar console. You can choose to grant the users Owner, Contributor or Viewer permissions. You can also remove users or change their roles at any time.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 37) How do AWS CodeStar users relate to IAM users?

Answer # CodeStar users are IAM users that are managed by CodeStar to provide pre-built, role-based access policies across your development environment; Because CodeStar users are built on IAM, you still get the administrative benefits of IAM. For example, if you add an existing IAM user to a CodeStar project, the existing global account policies in IAM are still enforced.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 38) Can I work on my AWS CodeStar projects directly from an IDE?

Answer # Yes. By installing the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse or Visual Studio you gain the ability to easily configure your local development environment to work with CodeStar Projects; Once installed, developers can then select from a list of available CodeStar projects and have their development tooling automatically configured to clone and checkout their project’s source code, all from within their IDE.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 39) How do you configure my project dashboard?

Answer # Project dashboards can be configured to show the tiles you want, where you want them; To add or remove tiles, click on the “Tiles” drop‑down on your project dashboard. To change the layout of your project dashboard, drag the tile to your desired position.

AWS Devops Interview Questions # 40) Are there any third party integrations that we can use with AWS CodeStar?

Answer # AWS CodeStar works with Atlassian JIRA to integrate issue management with your projects.

Amazon Devops Engineer Interview Questions

Question # 41) Can we use AWS CodeStar to help manage my existing AWS applications?

Answer # No. AWS CodeStar helps customers quickly start new software projects on AWS. Each CodeStar project includes development tools, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, that can be used on their own and with existing AWS applications.

Question # 42) Why AWS DevOps Matters?

Answer # Software and the Internet have transformed the world and its industries, from shopping to entertainment to banking. Software no longer merely supports a business; rather it becomes an integral component of every part of a business.

Companies interact with their customers through software delivered as online services or applications and on all sorts of devices. They also use software to increase operational efficiencies by transforming every part of the value chain, such as logistics, communications, and operations.

In a similar way that physical goods companies transformed how they design, build, and deliver products using industrial automation throughout the 20th century, companies in today’s world must transform how they build and deliver software.

Question # 43) How to Adopt a AWS DevOps Model?

Answer # Transitioning to DevOps requires a change in culture and mindset. At its simplest, DevOps is about removing the barriers between two traditionally siloed teams, development and operations.

In some organizations, there may not even be separate development and operations teams; engineers may do both. With DevOps, the two teams work together to optimize both the productivity of developers and the reliability of operations.

They strive to communicate frequently, increase efficiencies, and improve the quality of services they provide to customers. They take full ownership for their services, often beyond where their stated roles or titles have traditionally been scoped by thinking about the end customer’s needs and how they can contribute to solving those needs.

Quality assurance and security teams may also become tightly integrated with these teams. Organizations using a DevOps model, regardless of their organizational structure, have teams that view the entire development and infrastructure lifecycle as part of their responsibilities.

Question # 44) What are DevOps Practices?

Answer # There are a few key practices that help organizations innovate faster through automating and streamlining the software development and infrastructure management processes. Most of these practices are accomplished with proper tooling.

  • One fundamental practice is to perform very frequent but small updates. This is how organizations innovate faster for their customers.
  • These updates are usually more incremental in nature than the occasional updates performed under traditional release practices.
  • Frequent but small updates make each deployment less risky. They help teams address bugs faster because teams can identify the last deployment that caused the error.
  • Although the cadence and size of updates will vary, organizations using a DevOps model deploy updates much more often than organizations using traditional software development practices.
  • Organizations might also use a microservices architecture to make their applications more flexible and enable quicker innovation. The microservices architecture decouples large, complex systems into simple, independent projects.
  • Applications are broken into many individual components (services) with each service scoped to a single purpose or function and operated independently of its peer services and the application as a whole.
  • This architecture reduces the coordination overhead of updating applications, and when each service is paired with small, agile teams who take ownership of each service, organizations can move more quickly.

However, the combination of microservices and increased release frequency leads to significantly more deployments which can present operational challenges.

Thus, DevOps practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery solve these issues and let organizations deliver rapidly in a safe and reliable manner.

Infrastructure automation practices, like infrastructure as code and configuration management, help to keep computing resources elastic and responsive to frequent changes.

In addition, the use of monitoring and logging helps engineers track the performance of applications and infrastructure so they can react quickly to problems.

Together, these practices help organizations deliver faster, more reliable updates to their customers. Here is an overview of important DevOps practices.

Best AWS Devops Interview Questions

Question # 45) What is Continuous Integration in AWS Devops?

Answer # Continuous integration is a software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run. The key goals of continuous integration are to find and address bugs quicker, improve software quality, and reduce the time it takes to validate and release new software updates.

Question # 46) What is Continuous Delivery in AWs Devops?

Answer # Continuous delivery is a software development practice where code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for a release to production.

It expands upon continuous integration by deploying all code changes to a testing environment and/or a production environment after the build stage. When continuous delivery is implemented properly, developers will always have a deployment-ready build artifact that has passed through a standardized test process.

Question # 47) What are Microservices in AWS Devops?

Answer # The microservices architecture is a design approach to build a single application as a set of small services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services through a well-defined interface using a lightweight mechanism, typically an HTTP-based application programming interface (API).

Microservices are built around business capabilities; each service is scoped to a single purpose. You can use different frameworks or programming languages to write microservices and deploy them independently, as a single service, or as a group of services.

Question # 48) What is Infrastructure as Code in AWS Devops?

Answer # Infrastructure as code is a practice in which infrastructure is provisioned and managed using code and software development techniques, such as version control and continuous integration.

The cloud’s API-driven model enables developers and system administrators to interact with infrastructure programmatically, and at scale, instead of needing to manually set up and configure resources.

Thus, engineers can interface with infrastructure using code-based tools and treat infrastructure in a manner similar to how they treat application code. Because they are defined by code, infrastructure and servers can quickly be deployed using standardized patterns, updated with the latest patches and versions, or duplicated in repeatable ways.

Question # 49) What is AWS CloudFormation in AWS Devops?

Answer # AWS CloudFormation is a service that gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.

Question # 50) How is AWS CloudFormation different from AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

These services are designed to complement each other. AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment to easily deploy and run applications in the cloud.

It is integrated with developer tools and provides a one-stop experience for you to manage the lifecycle of your applications. AWS CloudFormation is a convenient provisioning mechanism for a broad range of AWS resources.

It supports the infrastructure needs of many different types of applications such as existing enterprise applications, legacy applications, applications built using a variety of AWS resources and container-based solutions (including those built using AWS Elastic Beanstalk).  


1. What is AWS in DevOps?

AWS is Amazon’s cloud service platform that lets users carry out DevOps practices easily. The tools provided will help immensely to automate manual tasks, thereby assisting teams to manage complex environments and engineers to work efficiently with the high velocity that DevOps provides.

2. DevOps and Cloud computing: What is the need?

Development and Operations are considered to be one single entity in the DevOps practice. This means that any form of Agile development, alongside Cloud Computing, will give it a straight-up advantage in scaling practices and creating strategies to bring about a change in business adaptability. If the cloud is considered to be a car, then DevOps would be its wheels.

3. Why AWS for DevOps?

There are numerous benefits of using AWS for DevOps. Some of them are as follows:

  • AWS is a ready-to-use service, which does not require any headroom for software and setups to get started with.
  • Be it one instance or scaling up to hundreds at a time, with AWS, the provision of computational resources are endless.
  • The pay-as-you-go policy with AWS will keep your pricing and budgets in check to ensure that you can mobilize enough and get an equal return on investment.
  • AWS brings DevOps practices closer to automation to help you build faster and achieve effective results in terms of development, deployment, and testing processes.
  • AWS services can easily be used via the command-line interface or by using SDKs and APIs, which make it highly programmable and effective.

4. What does a DevOps Engineer do?

A DevOps Engineer is responsible for managing the IT infrastructure of an organization based on the direct requirement of the software code in an environment that is both hybrid and multi-faceted.

Provisioning and designing appropriate deployment models, alongside validation and performance monitoring, are the key responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer.

5. What is CodePipeline in AWS DevOps?

CodePipeline is a service offered by AWS to provide continuous integration and continuous delivery services. Alongside this, it has provisions of infrastructure updates as well.
Operations such as building, testing, and deploying after every single build become very easy with the set release model protocols that are defined by a user. CodePipeline ensures that you can reliably deliver new software updates and features rapidly.

6. What is CodeBuild in AWS DevOps?

AWS provides CodeBuild, which is a fully managed in-house build service, thereby helping in the compilation of source code, testing, and the production of software packages that are ready to deploy. There is no need for management, allocation, or provision to scale the build servers as this is automatically scaled.

Build operations occur concurrently in servers, thereby providing the biggest advantage of not having to leave any builds waiting in a queue.

7. What is CodeDeploy in AWS DevOps?

CodeDeploy is the service that automates the process of deploying code to any instances, be it local servers or Amazon’s EC2 instances. It helps mainly in handling all of the complexity that is involved in updating the applications for release.

The direct advantage of CodeDeploy is its functionality that helps users rapidly release new builds and model features and avoid any sort of downtime during this process of deployment.

8. What is CodeStar in AWS DevOps?

CodeStar is one package that does a lot of things ranging from development to build operations to provisioning deploy methodologies for users on AWS. One single easy-to-use interface helps the users easily manage all of the activities involved in software development.

One of the noteworthy highlights is that it helps immensely in setting up a continuous delivery pipeline, thereby allowing developers to release code into production rapidly.

Certification in Cloud & Devops

9. How can you handle continuous integration and deployment in AWS DevOps?

One must use AWS Developer tools to help get started with storing and versioning an application’s source code. This is followed by using the services to automatically build, test, and deploy the application to a local environment or to AWS instances.

It is advantageous to begin with the CodePipeline to build the continuous integration and deployment services and later on using CodeBuild and CodeDeploy as per need.

10. How can a company like make use of AWS DevOps?

Be it Amazon or any ecommerce site, they are mostly concerned with automating all of the frontend and backend activities in a seamless manner. When paired with CodeDeploy, this can be achieved easily, thereby helping developers focus on building the product and not on deployment methodologies.

Next up on this AWS interview questions and answers for DevOps, we check out a common question that is frequently asked.

11. Name one example instance of making use of AWS DevOps effectively.

With AWS, users are provided with a plethora of services. Based on the requirement, these services can be put to use effectively. For example, one can use a variety of services to build an environment that automatically builds and delivers artifacts. These artifacts can later be pushed to Amazon S3 using CodePipeline. At this point, options add up and give the users lots of opportunities to deploy their artifacts. These artifacts can either be deployed by using Elastic Beanstalk or to a local environment as per the requirement.

12. What is the use of Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) in AWS DevOps?

Amazon ECS is a high-performance container management service that is highly scalable and easy to use. It provides easy integration to Docker containers, thereby allowing users to run applications easily on the EC2 instances using a managed cluster.

13. What is AWS Lambda in AWS DevOps?

AWS Lambda is a computation service that lets users run their code without having to provision or manage servers explicitly. Using AWS Lambda, the users can run any piece of code for their applications or services without prior integration. It is as simple as uploading a piece of code and letting Lambda take care of everything else required to run and scale the code.

14. What is AWS CodeCommit in AWS DevOps?

CodeCommit is a source control service provided in AWS that helps in hosting Git repositories safely and in a highly scalable manner. Using CodeCommit, one can eliminate the requirement of setting up and maintaining a source control system and scaling its infrastructure as per need.

Next up on this AWS interview questions for DevOps, you need to take a quick look at Amazon EC2.

15. Explain Amazon EC2 in brief.

Amazon EC2, or Elastic Compute Cloud as it is called, is a secure web service that strives to provide scalable computation power in the cloud. It is an integral part of AWS and is one of the most used cloud computation services out there, helping developers by making the process of Cloud Computing straightforward and easy.

16. What is Amazon S3 in AWS DevOps?

Amazon S3 or Simple Storage Service is an object storage service that provides users with a simple and easy-to-use interface to store data and effectively retrieve it whenever and wherever needed.

17. What is the function of Amazon RDS in AWS DevOps?

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a service that helps users in setting up a relational database in the AWS cloud architecture. RDS makes it easy to set up, maintain, and use the database online.

18. How is CodeBuild used to automate the release process?

The release process can easily be set up and configured by first setting up CodeBuild and integrating it directly with the AWS CodePipeline. This ensures that build actions can be added continuously, and thus AWS takes care of continuous integration and continuous deployment processes.

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19. Can you explain a build project in brief?

A build project is an entity with the primary function to integrate with CodeBuild to help provide it the definition needed. This can include a variety of information such as:

  • The location of source code
  • The appropriate build environment
  • What build commands to run
  • The location to store the output

Intermediate AWS DevOps Interview Questions

20. How is a build project configured in AWS DevOps?

A build project is configured easily using Amazon CLI (Command-line Interface). Here, users can specify the above-mentioned information, along with the computation class that is required to run the build, and more. The process is made straightforward and simple in AWS.

21. Which source repositories can be used with CodeBuild in AWS DevOps?

AWS CodeBuild can easily connect with AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, and AWS S3 to pull the source code that is required for the build operation.

22. What programming frameworks can be used with AWS CodeBuild?

AWS CodeBuild provides ready-made environments for Python, Ruby, Java, Android, Docker, Node.js, and Go. A custom environment can also be set up by initializing and creating a Docker image. This is then pushed to the EC2 registry or the DockerHub registry. Later, this is used to reference the image in the users’ build project.

23. Explain the build process using CodeBuild in AWS DevOps.

  • First, CodeBuild will establish a temporary container used for computing. This is done based on the defined class for the build project.
  • Second, it will load the required runtime and pull the source code to the same.
  • After this, the commands are executed and the project is configured.
  • Next, the project is uploaded, along with the generated artifacts, and put into an S3 bucket.
  • At this point, the compute container is no longer needed, so users can get rid of it.
  • In the build stage, CodeBuild will publish the logs and outputs to CloudWatch Logs for the users to monitor.

Next up on this AWS interview questions and answers for DevOps, take a look at another frequently asked question.

24. Can AWS CodeBuild be used with Jenkins in AWS DevOps?

Yes, AWS CodeBuild can integrate with Jenkins easily to perform and run jobs in Jenkins. Build jobs are pushed to CodeBuild and executed, thereby eliminating the entire procedure involved in creating and individually controlling the worker nodes in Jenkins.

25. How can one view the previous build results in AWS CodeBuild?

It is easy to view the previous build results in CodeBuild. It can be done either via the console or by making use of the API. The results include the following:

  • Outcome (success/failure)
  • Build duration
  • Output artifact location
  • Output log (and the corresponding location)

If you are looking forward to becoming an expert in AWS DevOps and becoming proficient in all of the concepts related to it, make sure to check out Intellipaat’s AWS DevOps Certification program.

26. Are there any third-party integrations that can be used with AWS CodeStar?

Yes, AWS CodeStar works well with Atlassian JIRA, which is a very good software development tool used by Agile teams. It can be integrated with projects seamlessly and can be managed from there.

27. Can AWS CodeStar be used to manage an existing AWS application?

No, AWS CodeStar can only help users in setting up new software projects on AWS. Each CodeStart project will include all of the development tools such as CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy.

Next up on this AWS interview questions for DevOps, it is vital that you understand the importance of AWS DevOps completely.

28. Why is AWS DevOps so important today?

With businesses coming into existence every day and the expansion of the world of the Internet, everything from entertainment to banking has been scaled to the clouds.

Most of the companies are using systems completely hosted on clouds, which can be used via a variety of devices. All of the processes involved in this such as logistics, communication, operations, and even automation have been scaled online. AWS DevOps is integral in helping developers transform the way they can build and deliver new software in the fastest and most effective way possible.

29. What are Microservices in AWS DevOps?

Microservice architectures are the design approaches taken when building a single application as a set of services. Each of these services runs using its own process structure and can communicate with every other service using a structured interface, which is both lightweight and easy to use. This communication is mostly based on HTTP and API requests.

Next up on this AWS interview questions for DevOps, you need to understand a bit about CoudFormation, check it out.

30. What is CloudFormation in AWS DevOps?

AWS CloudFormation is one of the important services that give developers and businesses a simple way to create a collection of AWS resources required and then pass it on to the required teams in a structured manner.

31. What is VPC in AWS DevOps?

A VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is a cloud network that is mapped to an AWS account. It forms one among the first points in the AWS infrastructure that helps users create regions, subjects, routing tables, and even Internet gateways in the AWS accounts. Doing this will provide the users with the ability to use EC2 or RDS as per requirements.

32. What is AWS IoT in AWS DevOps?

AWS IoT refers to a managed cloud platform that will add provisions for connected devices to interact securely and smoothly with all of the cloud applications.

33. What is EBS in AWS DevOps?

EBS or Elastic Block Storage is a virtual storage area network in AWS. EBS names the block-level volumes of storage, which are used in the EC2 instances. EBS is highly compatible with other instances and is a reliable way of storing data.

34. What does AMI stand for?

AMI, also known as Amazon Machine Image, is a snapshot of the root file system. It contains all of the information needed to launch a server in the cloud. It consists of all of the templates and permissions needed to control the cloud accounts.

35. Why is a buffer used in AWS DevOps?

A buffer is used in AWS to sync different components that are used to handle incoming traffic. With a buffer, it becomes easier to balance between the incoming traffic rate and the usage of the pipeline, thereby ensuring unbroken packet delivery in all conditions across the cloud platform.

Advanced AWS DevOps Interview Questions

36. What is the biggest advantage of adopting an AWS DevOps model?

The one main advantage that every business can leverage is maintaining high process efficiency and ensuring to keep the costs as low as possible. With AWS DevOps, this can be achieved easily. Everything from having a quick overall of how the work culture functions to helping teams work well together, it can only be as advantageous. Bringing development and operations together, setting up a structured pipeline for them to work, and providing them with a variety of tools and services will reflect in the quality of the product created and help in serving customers better.

37. What is meant by Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

This is one of the most asked questions in an AWS DevOps interview. IaC is a common DevOps practice in which the code and the software development techniques help in managing the overall infrastructure, everything from continuous integration to the version control system. The API model in the cloud further helps developers work with the entirety of the infrastructure programmatically.

38. What are some of the challenges that arise when creating a DevOps pipeline?

There are a number of challenges that occur with DevOps in this era of technological outburst. Most commonly, it has to do with data migration techniques and implementing new features easily. If data migration does not work, then the system can be in an unstable state, and this can lead to issues down the pipeline.

However, this is solved within the CI environment only by making use of a feature flag, which helps in incremental product releases. This, alongside the rollback functionality, can help in mitigating some of the challenges.

39. What is a hybrid cloud in AWS DevOps?

A hybrid cloud refers to a computation setting that involves the usage of a combination of private and public clouds. Hybrid clouds can be created using a VPN tunnel that is inserted between the cloud VPN and the on-premises network. Also, AWS Direct Connect has the ability to bypass the Internet and connect securely between the VPN and a data center easily.

40. How is AWS Elastic Beanstalk different from CloudFormation?

EBS and CloudFormation are among the important services in AWS. They are designed in a way that they can collaborate with each other easily. EBS provides an environment where applications can be deployed in the cloud.

This is integrated with tools from CloudFormation to help manage the lifecycle of the applications. It becomes very convenient to make use of a variety of AWS resources with this. This ensures high scalability in terms of using it for a variety of applications from legacy applications to container-based solutions.

41. What is the use of Amazon QuickSight in AWS DevOps?

Amazon QuickSight is a Business Analytics service in AWS that provides an easy way to build visualizations, perform analysis, and drive business insights from the results. It is a service that is fast-paced and completely cloud-powered, giving users immense opportunities to explore and use it.

42. How do Kubernetes containers communicate in AWS DevOps?

An entity called a pod is used to map between containers in Kubernetes. One pod can contain more than one container at a time. Due to the flat network hierarchy of the pod, communication between each of these pods in the overlay network becomes straightforward.

43. Have you earned any sort of certification to boost your opportunities as an AWS DevOps Engineer?

Interviewers look for candidates who are serious about advancing their career options by making use of additional tools like certifications. Certificates are strong proof that you have put in all efforts to learn new skills, master them, and put them into use at the best of your capacity. List the certifications, if you have any, and do talk about them in brief, explaining what all you learned from the program and how they’ve been helpful to you so far.

44. Do you have any experience working in the same industry as ours before?

This is a very straightforward question. It aims to assess if you have the industry-specific skills that are needed for the current role. Even if you do not possess all of the skills, make sure to thoroughly explain how you can still make use of the skills you’ve obtained in the past to benefit the company.

45. Why are you applying for the AWS DevOps role in our company?

Here, the interviewer is trying to see how well you can convince them regarding your proficiency in the subject, handling all the cloud services, alongside the need for using structured DevOps methodologies and scaling to the clouds. It is always an added advantage to know the job description in detail, along with the compensation and the details of the company, thereby obtaining a complete understanding of what services, tools, and DevOps methodologies are required to work in the role successfully.

46. What is your plan after joining for this AWS DevOps role?

While answering this question, make sure to keep your explanation concise on how you would bring about a plan that works with the company setup and how you would implement the plan, ensuring that it works by first understanding the cloud infrastructure setup of the company, and you would also talk about how it can be made better or further improvised in the coming days with further iterations.

47. How is it beneficial to make use of version control?

There are numerous benefits of using version control as shown below:

  • Version control establishes an easy way to compare files, identify differences, and merge if any changes are done.
  • It creates an easy way to track the life cycle of an application build, including every stage in it such as development, production, testing, etc.
  • It brings about a good way to establish a collaborative work culture.
  • Version control ensures that every version and variant of the code is kept safe and secure.

48. What are the future trends in AWS DevOps?

With this question, the interviewer is trying to assess your grip on the subject and your research in the field. Make sure to state valid facts and provide respective sources to add positivity to your candidature. Also, try to explain how Cloud Computing and novel software methodologies are making a huge impact on businesses across the globe and their potential in rapid growth in the upcoming days.

49. Has your college degree helped you with Data Analysis in any way?

This is a question that relates to the latest program you completed in college. Do talk about the degree you have obtained, how it was useful, and how you plan on putting it into full use in the coming days, after being recruited in the company. It is advantageous, however, if you have dealt with Cloud Computing or software engineering methodologies in this degree.

50. What skills should a successful AWS DevOps specialist possess?

This is a descriptive question that is highly dependent on how analytical your thinking skills are. There are a variety of prerequisites that one must have, and the following are some of the important skills:

  • Working of SDLC
  • AWS Architecture
  • Database Services
  • Virtual Private Cloud
  • IAM and Monitoring
  • Configuration Management
  • Application Services, AWS Lambda, and CLI
  • CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy

If you are looking forward to becoming an expert in AWS and becoming proficient in all of the concepts related to it, make sure to check out Intellipaat’s AWS Online Training program. Here, you can learn all of the concepts thoroughly and earn a course certificate as well.

Do let us know in the comment section if you found these AWS DevOps Interview Questions and Answers useful.



Amazon Web Services Interview Questions - Basic

1. What are Amazon Web Services?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, which is a cloud computing platform. It is designed in such a way that it provides cloud services in the form of small building blocks, and these blocks help create and deploy various types of applications in the cloud. These sequences of small blocks are integrated to deliver the services in a highly scalable manner.

Explore AWS Tutorial for more information

2. What are the Main Components of AWS?

The Key Components of AWS are:  

  • Simple Email Service: It allows you to send emails with the help of regular SMTP or by using a restful API call   
  • Route 53: It’s a DNS web service.
  • Simple Storage Device S3: It is a widely used storage device service in AWS Identity and Access Management 
  • Elastic compute cloud( EC2): It acts as an on-demand computing resource for hosting applications. EC2 is very helpful in times of uncertain workloads. 
  • Elastic Block Store: It allows you to store constant volumes of data which is integrated with EC2 and enables you to data persist. 
  • Cloud watch: It allows you to watch the critical areas of the AWS with which you can even set a reminder for troubleshooting. 
Related Blog: AWS Big Data

3. Explain what S3 is all about?

S3 is the abbreviation for a simple storage service. It is used for storing and retrieving data at any time and anywhere on the web. S3 makes web-scale computing easier for developers. The payment mode of S3 is available on a pay-as-you-go basis.  

4. What is AMI?

It stands for Amazon Machine Image. The AMI contains essential information required to launch an instance, and it is a copy of AMI running in the cloud. You can download as many examples as possible from multiple AIMs.  

 Related Article: What is AWS AMI

5. What is the relationship between an instance and AMI? 

Using a single AMI, you can download as many instances as you can. An instance type is used to define the hardware of the host computer for your situation. Each instance is unique and provides the facilities in computational and storage capabilities. Once you install an instance, it looks similar to a traditional host with which we can interact in the same way we do with a computer.  


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6. What are the things that are included in the AIM?  

An AIM consists of the things which are mentioned below:

  • A template for the instance 
  • Launch permissions 
  • A block mapping that decides the volume to be attached when it gets launched.
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7. What is an EIP?

The Elastic IP address (EIP) is a static Ipv4 address offered by AWS to manage dynamic cloud computing services. Connect your AWS account with EIP so that if you want a static IPv4 address for your instance, you can be associated with the EIP which enables communication with the internet. 

8. What is CloudFront?

CloudFront is a content delivery network offered by AWS, and it speeds up the distribution of dynamic and static web content such as .css, .js, .html, and image files to the users. It delivers the content with low latency and high transfer speed to the users. AWS provides CDN for less price and it suits the best startups.

9. What is VPC?

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows you to launch AWS resources into the virtual network. It allows users to create and customize network configurations according to users’ business requirements.

10. What is the VPC peering connection?

VPC peering connection

VPC peering connection is a networking connection that allows connecting one VPC with the other. It enables the route traffic between two VPCs using IPv6 and Ipv4 addresses. Instances within the VPCs behave like as they are in the same network.

11. What is the procedure to send a request to Amazon S3?

S3 in Amazon is a RESt service, and you can send requests by using the AWS SDK or REST API wrapper libraries.

12. What are NAT gateways?

Network Address Translation (NAT) allows instances to connect in a private subnet with the internet and other AWS services. NAT prevents the internet to have an initial connection with the instances.  

13. What is SNS?

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS )is a web service provided by AWS. It manages and delivers messages or notifications to users and clients from any cloud platform. In SNS, there are two types of clients: subscribers and publishers. Publishers produce and send a message to the subscriber instance through the communication channels. Subscribers receive notification from the publisher over one of the supported protocols such as Amazon SQS, HTTP, and Lambda, etc. Amazon SNS automatically triggers the service and sends an email with a message that “ your EC2 instance is growing” when you are using Auto Scaling.

14. What is SQS?

Amazon SQS stands for Simple Queue Service, and it manages the message queue service. Using this service, you can move the data or message from one application to another even though it is not in the running or active state. SQS sends messages between multiple services, including S3, DynamoDB, EC2 Instance, and also it uses the Java message queue service to deliver the information. The maximum visibility timeout of a message is 12 hours in the SQS queue.

Related Article: AWS SQS Tutorial

15. What are the types of queues in SQS?

There are two types of queues in SQS. They are as follows:

Standard Queues: It is a default queue type. It provides an unlimited number of transactions per second and at least one message delivery option. 

FIFO Queues: FIFO queues are designed to ensure that the order of messages is received and sent is strictly preserved as in the exact order that they sent.

16. Explain the types of instances available? 

Below stated are the available instances: 

  • General-purpose 
  • Storage optimized 
  • Accelerated computing
  • Computer-optimized 
  • Memory-optimized 

17. Explain about DynamoDB? 

If you want to have a faster and flexible NoSQL database, then the right thing available is DynamoDB, which is a flexible and efficient database model available in Amazon web services.

18. What is Glacier?

Amazon Glacier is one of the most important services provided by AWS. The Glacier is an online web storage service that provides you with low-cost and effective storage with security features for archival and data backup. With Glacier, you can store the information effectively for months, years, or even decades.

19. What is Redshift? 

Redshift is a big data product used as a data warehouse in the cloud. It is the fast, reliable, and powerful product of a big data warehouse.

Related Article: Redshift Tutorial

20. What are the Types of AMI Provided by AWS?

Below listed are the two kinds of AMIs provided by AWS: 

  • EBS backed 
  • Instance store backed

Till now, you have seen basic interview questions. Now, we will move to the Intermediate Questions.

Amazon Web Services Interview Questions - Intermediate Level

21. What is an ELB?

Elastic Load Balancer( ELB) is a load balancing service offered by AWS. It distributes incoming resources and controls the application traffic to meet traffic demands. 

22. What are the types of load balancers in EC2?

There are three types of load balancers in EC2. They are as follows:

Application Load Balancer: The application load balancer designed to make routing decisions at the application layer. ALC supports dynamic host port mapping and path-based routings. 

Network Load Balancer: Network load balancer is designed to make routing decisions at the transport layer. It handles millions of requests per second. Using the flow hash routing algorithm, NCL selects the target from the target groups after receiving a connection from the load balancer.  

Classic Load Balancer: Classic load balancer is designed to make routing decisions either at the application layer or transport layer. It requires a fixed relationship between the container instance port and the load balancer port.

23. Explain what is a T2 instance?

T2 instance

T2 instance is one of the low-cost Amazon instances that provides a baseline level of CPU performance.   

24. Mention the security best practices for Amazon EC2.

Security best practices for Amazon EC2 are as below:

  • Security and network
  • Storage
  • Resource Management
  • Recovery and Backup

25. While connecting to your instance, what are the possible connection issues one might face?

The following are the connection issues faced by the user:

  • User key not recognized by the server
  • Permission denied
  • Connection timeout
  • Cannot connect using user’s browser
  • Server unexpectedly closed network connection
  • Unprotected private key
  • Cannot ping the instance
  • Server refused host key
  • The private key must begin with BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY and end with END RSA PRIVATE KEY.”

26. What are key pairs in AWS? 

Amazon EC2 uses both public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt the login information. The sender uses a public key to encrypt the data and the receiver uses a private key to decrypt the data. Private and public keys are known as key pairs. The public key enables you to access the instance securely and a private key is used instead of a password.

27. What is SimpleDB?

SimpleDB is one of Amazon's services offered by AWS. It is a distributed database and highly available NoSQL data store that offloads the work of database administrators. 

28. What is Elastic Beanstalk?

Elastic Beanstalk is the best service offered by AWS for deploying and managing applications. It assists applications developed in Java, .Net, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and Python. When you deploy the application, Elastic beanstalk builts the selected supported platform versions and AWS services like S3, SNS, EC2, cloud watch, and autoscaling to run your application.

29. Mention a few benefits of the Elastic beanstalk.

Benefits of the Elastic beanstalk

Following are the few benefits of the Elastic Beanstalk:

  1. Easy and simple: Elastic Beanstalk enables you to manage and deploy the application easily and quickly.
  2. Autoscaling: Beanstalk scales up or down automatically when your application traffic increases or decreases. 
  3. Developer productivity: Developers can easily deploy the application without any knowledge, but they need to maintain the application securely and user-friendly.
  4. Cost-effective: No charge for Beanstalk. Charges are applied for the AWS service resources which you are using for your application.
  5. Customization: Elastic Beanstalk allows users to select the configurations of AWS services that users want to use for application development. 
  6. Management and updates: It updates the application automatically when it changes the platform. Platform updates and infrastructure management are taken care of by AWS professionals.

30. Define regions and availability zones in Amazon EC2.

regions and availability zones in amazon ec2

Amazon web service has a global infrastructure that is divided into availability zones and regions. Each region is divided into a geographic area and it has multiple isolated locations called availability zones.

31. What is Amazon EC2 Root Device Volume?

When the developer launches the instance, the root device volume is used to boot the instance that contains the image. When the developer introduces the Amazon EC2, all AMIs are propped up by an Amazon EC2 instance store.

32. What is Server Load Balancing?

A Server load balancer (SLB) provides content delivery and networking services using load balancing algorithms. SLB distributes the network traffic equally across a group of servers to ensure high-performance application delivery.

33. How does a server load balancer work?

aws server load balancer

The server load balancer works based on two approaches. They are:

  • Transport level load balancing
  • Application-level load balancing

34. What are the advantages of the Server load balancer?

The advantages of server load balancer are as follows:

  • Increases scalability 
  • Redundancy
  • Maintenance and performance

35. Explain the process to secure the data for carrying in the cloud. 

One thing that must be taken into consideration is that no one should resize the data while it is moving from one point to another. The other thing to consider is there should not be any kind of leakage with the security key from the multiple storerooms in the cloud. Dividing the information into different types and encrypting it into valid methods could help you in securing the data in the cloud. 

36. What are the layers available in cloud computing? 

Below listed are the various layers of cloud computing

SaaS: Software as a Service 

PaaS: Platform as a Service

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service

Related Article: Cloud Computing Platform

37. Explain the layers of Cloud architecture? 

We have five different types of layers available, which are:

  • SC- Storage controller 
  • CC- cluster controller 
  • NC- Node controller 
  • Walrus
  • CLC- cloud controller

38. What are the reserved instances? 

It is nothing but a reservation of resources for one or three years and utilized whenever you need it. The reservation comes on a subscription basis available for a term of 1 year and three years. The hourly rate goes down as the usage increases. Purchasing reservations isn’t just associated with the reservation of resources, but also, comes with the capacity that is required for a particular zone.    

39. What is meant by a cloud watch? 

Cloud watching is a monitoring tool in Amazon Web Services with which you can monitor different resources of your organization. You can have a look at various things like health, applications, network, etc. 

40. How many types of cloud watches do we have?  

We have two types of cloud watches: essential monitoring and detailed monitoring. The necessary tracking will come to you free of cost, but when it comes to detailed control, you need to pay for it.  

41. Explain the cloud watch metrics that are meant for EC2 instances? 

The available metrics for EC2 instances are Disk reads, CPU utilization, network packets out, CPUCreditUsage, Disk writes, network packets, networkOut, and CPUCreditBalance.  

42. What would be the minimum and maximum size of the individual objects that you can store in S3? 

The minimum size of the object that you can store in S3 is 0 bytes, and the maximum size of an individual object that you can save is 5TB. 

43. Explain the various storage classes available in S3? 

Below mentioned are the storage classes available in S3. 

  • Standard frequency accessed 
  • One-zone infrequency accessed 
  • RRS - reduced redundancy storage
  • Standard infrequency accessed 
  • Glacier

44. What are the methods to encrypt the data in S3? 

We have three different methods available for encrypting the data in S3. They are as follows.

  • Server-Side Encryption - C 
  • Server-Side Encryption - S3 
  • Server-Side Encryption - KMS     

45. On what basis the pricing of the S3 is decided? 

The pricing for S3 is decided by taking into consideration the below topics. 

  1. Data transfer 
  2. Storage used 
  3. Number of requests
  4. Transfer acceleration 
  5. Storage management 

AWS Interview Questions - Advanced Level

Below are the Advanced AWS Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

46. Is the property of broadcast or multicast supported by Amazon VPC?  

No, at present, Amazon VPC is not supporting any multicast or broadcast. 

47. How many IP addresses are allowed for each account in AWS?

For each AWS account, 5 VPC elastic addresses are allowed. 

48. What is meant by Edge location?

The actual content is cached at the places called edge locations. So whenever a user searches for the content, he will find the same at the edge locations. 

49. What is Snowball?  

Snowball is an option available in AWS to transport. Using snowball, one can transfer the data into AWS and out of it. It helps us in transporting massive amounts of data from one destination to another. It helps in lowering the networking expenditure.  

50. Explain the advantages of auto-scaling? 

Below listed are the advantages of autoscaling. 

  • Better availability 
  • Better cost management 
  • High fault-tolerant 

51. What is a Subnet? 

When a large amount of IP addresses are divided into small chunks, then these tiny chunks are called Subnets. 

52. What is the number of subnets that we can have per VPC?  

Under one VPC, we can have 200 subnets.  

53. What is AWS CloudTrail? 

AWS Cloudtrail is an AWS service that helps you to enable governance, risk auditing, and compliance of your AWS account. Cloud trail records events when actions are taken by the role, user, or an AWS service. Events include when actions are taken by AWS command-line interface, AWS management console, APIs, and AWS SDKs.  

54. What is meant by Elasticache?

Elasticache is a web service that makes the path easier to deploy and store the data in the cloud easily.  

55. Explain AWS Lambda.

AWS Lambda is a computational service that enables you to run code without maintaining any servers. It automatically executes the code whenever needed. You are required to pay for the time that you have used it for. Lambda enables you to run the code virtually for any kind of application without managing any servers.  

56. What is Geo Restriction in CloudFront?

It is an important feature available in AWS which helps you in preventing the users from accessing the content from specific regions. CloudFront is useful for distributing the content only to desired locations. 

57. What is Amazon EMR?

Amazon EMR is a survived cluster stage and it helps you to create data structures before the intimation. Big data technologies such as Apache Hadoop and Spark are the tools that enable you to investigate a large amount of data. You can use the data for making analytical goals by using the apache hive and other relevant open source technologies.      

58. What is the actual boot time taken to instance stored-backend AMI? 

It takes less than 5 minutes to store the instance-backed AMI. 

59. Explain the essential features of the Amazon cloud search. 

Below listed are the essential features of Amazon cloud search.  

  • Prefixes Searches 
  • Enter text search 
  • Boolean searches
  • Range searches 
  • Autocomplete Advice   

60. Give a few examples of DB engines that are used in AWS RDS. 

Following are few examples of DB engines that are used in AWS RDS: 

  • MariaDB 
  • OracleDB
  • Postgre DB

61. What is the security group? 

In AWS the in and out traffic to instances is controlled with virtual firewalls which are known as Security groups. Security groups allow you to control traffic based on various aspects such as protocol, port, and source destination.      

62. What is the difference between block storage and file storage? 

Block Storage: it functions at a lower level and manages the data asset of blocks. 

File Storage: The file storage operates at a higher level or operational level and manages data in the form of files and folders.    

63. Explain the types of Routing policies available in Amazon route S3. 

  • Latency-based 
  • Weighted 
  • Failover 
  • Simple 
  • Geolocation  

64. List the default tables that we get when we create AWS VPC. 

  • Network ACL 
  • Security group 
  • Route table 

65. List the different ways to access AWS.

We have three different ways to access AWS, such as: 

  • Console 
  • SDK
  • CLI  

66. What are the EBS volumes? 

The EBS is the abbreviation for Elastic Block Stores. These blocks act as a persistent volume that can be attached to the instances. The EBS volumes will store the data even if you stop the instances. 

67. How can you control the security of your VPC?

You can use security groups, network access controls (ACLs), and flow logs to control your VPC security.

Most Frequently Asked AWS Interview Questions - FAQs

68. Does Amazon support region base services on all services? 

No, it is not providing region-specific usage on all its services. But most of the services are region-based. 

69. What is EBS in AWS?

Elastic block storage (EBS) is a storage system that is used to store persistent data. EBS is designed to provide block-level storage volumes and to use EC2 instances for both transactions and throughput-intensive workloads at any scale. 

70. How many AWS services are there in 2020?

As of September 2019, the AWS Serverless Application repository is available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) region. With this service, the availability of services is increased to a total of 18 AWS regions across North America, South America, the EU, and the Asia Pacific. 

71. Which AWS region is the cheapest?

The US standard is the cheapest region; it is also the most established AWS region. 

72. What is the maximum size of an S3 bucket?

The maximum size of an S3 bucket is 5 terabytes.

Following are the most popular AWS Services:

  1. Amazon S3
  2. AWS Lambda
  3. Amazon Glacier
  4. Amazon EC2
  5. Amazon SNS
  6. Amazon CloudFront
  7. Amazon EBS
  8. Amazon Kinesis
  9. Amazon VPC
  10. Amazon SQ 
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74. Is AWS RDS free?

Yes, AWS RDS is a free tier. RDS helps the AWS customers to get started with the management database service in the cloud for free.  

75. What is the difference between EBS and S3?

Difference between EBS and S3

Highly scalable Less scalable
It is a block storage It is an object storage
EBS is faster than S3 S3 is slower than EBS
User can access EBS only via the given EC2 instance Anyone can access S3; it is a public instance.
It supports the File system interface It supports Web interface

76. Is Amazon S3 a global service?

Yes, Amazon S3 is a global service. It provides object storage through the web interface and it uses the Amazon scalable storage infrastructure to run its global e-commerce network.

77. What are the benefits of AWS?

AWS provides services to its users at a low cost. Amazon web services are easy to use and the user should not worry about security, servers, and databases. Amazon web services have several benefits which make user rely on them.  


We hope that this set of AWS interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals will help you in preparing for your interviews. We tried to cover all the questions.

If you find any related question that is not present here, please share that in the comment section and we will add it at the earliest.




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